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Looks cool!


Amazing :3


these are so pretty


I don't think I've seen better pixel art pieces before. You've got to start selling your work for a profit! Bravo.

Why, thank you! I've been thinking about selling some stuff...prints, maybe? I'll eventually get around to it :)


Looking forward to it.


I love your art! You're one of my favourite pixel artists.


Now, that's a compliment! Thank you Sixer, I appreciate it :)

(1 edit)

Just wondering if you do commissions.  I'd be interested in hiring you for something specific.


Weird, lovecraftian pixel art! Reminds me of THROUGH THE GATES OF THE SILVER KEY or works by Dunsany. Very nice composition.


Wow these look great!

Nice Background!  Can I use in a commercial game? (I assume so since there's no limit mentioned)

Sure, why not! They're free, after all. But if you can, I'll appreciate it if you credited me.

Thanks!  I'll definitely give credit!

So is it cc0?


These are amazing! Thanks!

No problem!